Instagram: The App That Forgot About Its Users

Remember the days when Instagram was the reigning champion of social media? We'd spend hours scrolling through our feeds, captivated by the visual storytelling of friends and creators alike. But something changed. In this blog, we'll explore why Instagram's algorithm is driving users away, and how it's struggling to keep up with TikTok.


How It All Began

Back in early 2018, Instagram was the superstar of the social media world. Its simple design and well-functioning algorithm made it a fan favourite. But lurking in the shadows, a new contender was rising – TikTok.


In July 2018, TikTok overtook Instagram in monthly downloads, and by October, it surpassed Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. Instagram's jealousy was palpable, and its quest to catch up began.

The Algorithm Missteps

Larger Accounts Are More Important

Have you ever noticed that your Instagram feed looks a bit too curated? Instagram appears to prioritize larger content creators, serving us high-quality but sometimes overly polished content. This approach makes sense, but it can feel inauthentic.


TikTok, on the other hand, celebrates small creators who go viral with their first post. Instagram doesn't seem to recognize that small accounts can produce top-notch content. As a result, small creators must work exceptionally hard to get their content seen.


Repetition of the Feed

Instagram has a habit of thinking that if you've viewed something a few times (like cute dog videos), that's all you want to see. It leads to a repetitive and often boring feed. TikTok, in contrast, understands the importance of variety.


Additionally, TikTok trends often hit Instagram months later, and by then, they've lost their appeal due to overexposure.


Sponsored and Suggested Posts

Instagram bombards users with sponsored and suggested posts. It's not uncommon to find your feed cluttered with these, leaving little room for content from accounts you genuinely follow. Instagram believes it knows what's best for you, which can be frustrating.


TikTok and YouTube Shorts are getting better at recommending content that matches user interests, while Instagram seems more focused on pushing suggested Reels without refining its recommendation system.


The Bots

Instagram's bot problem is out of control. Bots comment on posts, send private messages, and spam follow accounts with unwanted content. This invasion of bots has plagued the platform, and Instagram's response to this issue has been lacking.


Complete Change of Product Type

Perhaps the most significant point of contention is Instagram's shift from a photo-sharing app to a video platform. Many users and small businesses thrived on sharing photos, but their engagement has dwindled as Instagram prioritizes Reels.


Content creators feel compelled to create Reels not necessarily out of choice, but because they fear their engagement will plummet if they don't. The demise of the Reels bonus program, which paid creators for high-performing content, only added to their frustration.


In Conclusion:


Instagram's algorithm has strayed from its roots, leaving many users disillusioned and frustrated. Its obsession with Reels and neglect of smaller creators are pushing people away. The invasion of bots and the overabundance of sponsored content are further souring the user experience. As Instagram faces this crossroads, we can only hope it finds a way to keep its core users’ content and engaged once again.


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