Tableau Crash Course: Analyzing Trump’s Tweets about COVID-19

Trump Dashboard.png

Hi! Today I decided to create a fun tutorial on my Udemy Course about building a Tableau dashboard of Trumps tweets! We’re also going to focus on Trump’s tweets about COVID-19.

Hope you have fun with this!


I’ve linked the dataset I’ve used below. I’ve also linked the Trump picture I used for my dashboard title.

Dataset: Trump’s Tweets
Donald Trump Picture

*If you want to get new twitter data, you can do so here:

For the Full Tableau Crash Course…

The full Tableau Crash Course is available on Udemy!

In this crash course you're going to learn how to build a COVID-19 dashboard using real data and publish it online.

Bonus Section: Create a dashboard analyzing Trump's Tweets about COVID-19.


Tableau Crash Course: Build a Dashboard about COVID-19


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